Jul 30, 20172 min

Watch, Pray, Act

Greeting WAC Community,

We know that when decisions are made to favor the wealthy and the healthy at the expense of the many and the sick, then you have violated the teaching of holy scripture. Rev. Jim Winkler, Secretary General and President, National Council of Churches

What cruel mistakes are sometimes made by benevolent men and women in matters of business about which they can know nothing and think they know a great deal. – Florence Nightingale, Notes on Nursing

This past week, the National Council of Churches sponsored a conference call asking that we “watch, pray and act” regarding efforts in the U.S. Congress to take away health care coverage from the most vulnerable.  Recently I attended a continuing legal education class from where I got the above quote from Florence Nightingale and where we considered attorneys’ ethical responsibility to advocate for healthcare.  As faith leaders, members of congregations and caring human beings, we must advocate against evil and for good.  If we don’t, who will?

Governor’s Request for Palliative Care Advisory Council: Needed is either a mental health professional or a member of the clergy to serve on the council. Ideally the clergy member should have experience ministering to those in hospice and/or those with chronic pain.  The Legislature during the session created this council, but did not provide for per diem or travel expenses for council members, but likely they will meet as possible by teleconferencing technology. Governor Mead’s hope is that there is someone in our membership that is passionate enough to participate.  Michelle Panos of the Governor’s office said, “There is a great need to spread the word about hospice and palliative care services in Wyoming. The Board will come together to offer Wyoming recommendations to strengthen the options for better end of life and chronic pain services. Meeting the spiritual needs of patients is an integral part of hospice and palliative care. The point of view of the clergy is essential to this process.”  Those interested in appointment to the Board should visit Governor Mead website to apply here.  For more information, contact michelle.panos@wyo.gov.

Here are more opportunities to learn and become engaged – Registrations now open:

  1. The 8th Annual Native American Education Conference, this year at St. Stephen’s Indian School, August 8-9 and sponsored by the Wyoming Department of Education.  I will be one of the many workshop presenters and will speak on Implicit Bias and White Privilege.  The cost is only $25 for the 2 days.  Here is the registration link.

  2. Our Understanding the Muslim Faith workshop with Dr. Mohamed Salih and Dr. Brad Tyndall in Casper, Saturday, September 16, 10 am – 2 pm.  Suggested donation is $15.  Register at: https://www.wyointerfaith.org/muslim-faith-dialogue

  3. Undoing Racism, co-sponsored with the Wind River Native Advocacy Center, September 27-28, Cheyenne, limited to 40, only 7 spots remain open at this time, $365 fee.

(Note: There are still 9 other restricted scholarship spots available through WRNAC – contact me at chesie@wyochurches.org for more information.)

Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms

Fear not. Be bold. Do justice.


Chesie Lee