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To EVERYONE a Merry Christmas!‏

Greetings WAC Community,

The angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for 

all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. –

Luke 2:10-11

On Thursday evenings at choir practice, we end with prayer.  The choir director asks for prayer requests.  Responses this Thursday included for healing, comfort to those grieving and travel mercies.

A school administrator asked for prayers for children who will be home without enough food for Christmas break and specifically for a child who will be with his father with a history of abuse.  Enough food for hungry children and their safety should not be a concern at any time, especially not while we celebrate the birth of a baby that an angel announced as good news to nearby poor shepherds who worked outside through the night caring for sheep.  Yet reality is that poverty and domestic violence will mean some do not have a merry Christmas.  Not all know the good news.

But back to the choir practice prayer request, the last one came from a young boy waiting for his Mom.  He said, “I ask that everyone have a merry Christmas.”

Wow!  Can you imagine a world where everyone has a merry Christmas?  No one is without enough food and heat.  No one is afraid.  No one feels alone and unloved.

Let’s make this a prayer request for everyone, including refugees, those who do not share our religious beliefs, and those who do not share our political affiliations.

I want to share with you this message from the Evangelical Immigration Table that ran on Christian radio:

This message gives me hope.

Also this is an open letter to the Muslim American Community from the Presiding  Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America:  Click here to read.

Call for Action:

Pray for a merry Christmas for everyone.

  1. Extend a merry Christmas to at least one other in a meaningful way who may not feel fed, safe and/or loved this Christmas season.

  2. Support the Wyoming Association of Churches as we prepare to bring the good news to the poor and needy in Wyoming.

Fear not.  Be bold.  Do justice.



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