virtual community opportunities
Faith communities around the world are responding to the COVID-19 virus with online resources and opportunities to connect via virtual communities. This list will be updated. If you would like to see your community listed on this page, please email jordan@wyointerfaith.org
Resources for Community- and Faith-Based Leaders from the CDC
Wyoming Faith Communities
The Islamic Center of Laramie live-streaming Khutbah (sermon) on Fridays via facebook.
Laramie Torah Study, Wednesdays at 5PM - Hosted by Simcha Pollard. For Zoom link and more information, contact Spollard777@gmail.com
Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne is hosting online Sunday worship.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Laramie is offering online services in conjunction with the Unitarian Universalist Community of Casper at uularamie.org.
Sheridan First United Methodist Church is providing many resources on their facebook page and their youtube channel.
Trinity Episcopal Church in Lander is posting morning and evening prayer services on youtube.
St. John's Lutheran Church (ECLA) is uploading services on their youtube channel.
St. Paul's UCC in Laramie is streaming worship services via zoom.
Holy Apostles Orthodox Christian Church of Cheyenne will stream services via facebook.
The Presbytery of Wyoming is posting links to various online services and resources on their facebook page.
The Islamic Center of Ft. Collins is posting resources and Friday Khutbah messages.
United Church of Christ in Casper is live-streaming Sunday services via Facebook.
National Faith Communities
Masjid Muhammad in Washington, D.C. is hosting an online Jumah Prayer Service every Friday.
Sixth & I Synagogue will host all scheduled classes free and online
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is posting messages and other content via their youtube channel.
Take part in daily meditations live from the Upaya Zen Center (Santa Fe, NM) all week at 7 a.m. and 5:30 pm GMT.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends hosts weekly Zoom meetings on Thursdays at 7PM EST. Additional virtual worship opportunities here.
The Washington National Cathedral will live stream and archive all services on their youtube page.
The Sikh Coalition is hosting daily "Kid's Corner" readings via facebook live.
Religious Literacy Resources
Looking to learn something new? Below we have compiled some resources to improve your religious literacy while at home!
Harvard, UBC, and other top institutions are offering free courses on religion.
The Inclusive America Project at the Aspen Institute has a fifteen-minute curriculum on the common question "What is religious pluralism?"
Religion For Breakfast is a youtube channel hosted by religious studies scholar Andrew Henry. The channel "strives to boost our religious literacy by producing high-quality educational videos on a variety of religious studies topics".
Interfaith Alliance and the Religious Freedom Center put together a resource resources entitled "What is the Truth about American Muslims? Questions and Answers".
The Hindu American Foundation has created a Holi Toolkit, learn more and link to download here.