With 172 named bills, the Wyoming Senate is done creating new bills. The Wyoming House still has a couple of days to continue to propose them, and they have 283 so far. The list below does not include all of them, although it does include a number of them.
Here is a quick review of the life of a Bill (sort of like the song some of us learned). First, it gets into a form that is recognizable as a Bill and receives a number. Then it is sent to be Introduced into either the House or the Senate and referred to a Committee for discussion. The Committee Chair then eventually schedules the Bill for discussion. The group can decide to Move it to the floor as a Do Pass item, it can table the item or simply let it die in various ways. The Bill is then put into the General File so that the “Committee of the Whole” can decide whether to continue to pass a Bill on for a second reading or not. If it passes its third reading it is sent to the other side. Then the process is repeated on the other side. If the Bill makes it through both chambers, it is sent to the Governor’s office for signing, by way of the Attorney General’s office for legal vetting. A Bill can die at any of these stages.
If it is a Bill we like, it can always be resurrected after a fashion by making slight changes over time in future sessions. If it is a Bill we do not like, the affectionate term is “Zombie Bill” as it refuses to die.
There are only a few Bills that fit within the Resolution framework of WIN. There are many others that might affect people should the Bill become Law. Future updates will track those bills that continue to move forward, with action alerts concerning a few of them. By the way, you can always comment upon a specific Bill by going to the wyoleg.gov website, clicking on the Bill number and clicking further on the “comments” tab above the Bill.
For a complete listing of all Bills this session as well as the schedule of when they will be discussed, go to wyoleg.gov In the meantime, here are some variously categorized Bills from this year in which some people may have some interest:
Bill Number Assigned HB0269 Illegitimate persons descent-repeal. HB0273 Minimum wage. HJ0009 Permanent ban on state income tax.
H 2nd Reading: Passed HB0014 Mountain daylight time. HB0099 Wyoming public lands day.
H 3rd Reading: Passed HB0082 Veterans’ skilled nursing facility.
H COW: Passed HB0221 Family medicine residency program.
Introduced and Referred to H01 – Judiciary HB0215 Child endangerment penalties-amendments. HB0235 Care of animals.
Introduced and Referred to H02 – Appropriations HB0067 Sales tax revisions.
Introduced and Referred to H05 – Agriculture HB0188 Cities and towns-zoning protests. SJ0001 State-federal school trust lands exchange.
Introduced and Referred to H07 – Corporations HB0192 Voter fraud prevention.
Introduced and Referred to H09 – Minerals HB0010 Crimes against critical infrastructure.
Introduced and Referred to H10 – Labor HB0170 Child protective service workers-training. HB0194 Air ambulance coverage-Medicaid. HB0211 Mental health and substance use coverage parity. HB0244 Medicaid-work requirements and expansion. HB0249 Psychiatric step down and coordination services-children.
H Placed on General File HB0109 Advanced psychiatric nurse practitioner program-amendment. HB0126 Revenue recalibration task force. HB0140 Abortion-48 hour waiting period. HB0145 Death penalty repeal-2. HB0151 Ban on sanctuary cities and counties. HB0155 Guardianships-reintegration planning authorized. HB0157 Termination of parental rights-standing. HB0160 Female genital mutilation. HB0163 Child labor penalties. HB0181 Senior health care special districts. HB0216 Wyoming children’s trust fund-amendments.
H Received for Introduction HB0103 Reporting of abortions. HB0183 Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments-2. HB0227 Child sexual abuse protection division. HB0257 Clubhouse-based psychosocial rehabilitation programs. SF0049 County zoning authority-private schools. SF0060 Protection of children-child endangerment amendments.
S 2nd Reading: Passed SF0078 Archaeological human burial sites.
S 3rd Reading: Passed SJ0006 Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week.
S COW: Passed SF0067 Hospital cost study. SF0075 Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments.
Introduced and Referred to S01 – Judiciary SF0100 Firearms preemption-applicability. SF0128 Unborn victims of violence act. SF0139 Safe child act.
Introduced and Referred to S06 – Travel SF0145 State trust land revenues. SF0148 Federal facilities seizure. SJ0010 Multiple use of public lands.
S Introduced and Referred to S08 – Transportation SF0082 Do not resuscitate directives.
Introduced and Referred to S09 – Minerals SF0124 Contracts for self-generated electricity. SF0153 Energy improvement program.
Introduced and Referred to S10 – Labor SF0133 Health care access. SF0144 Medicaid and SNAP eligibility requirements. SF0146 Medicaid expansion study.
S Received for Introduction HB0043 Midwife services-Medicaid. SF0013 Eminent domain-wind energy collector systems. SF0092 Peter Falk Act. [Please contact Rabbi Larry at reblarry613@gmail.com for replies to this particular email.] [Please go to https://www.wyointerfaith.org/donate/and make either a one-time donation or set up a monthly donation. Monthly donations provide a more even revenue stream and can be used as a reliable projection of income. You can also send a check made out to Wyoming Interfaith Network to PO Box 1473, Laramie, WY 82073].
Peace and Blessings,
Wyoming Interfaith Network Peace and Justice team leader,
Carl Carmichael carmichael.carl@gmail.com 894 Olympus Drive, Sheridan, WY 82801