Greetings WAC community,
The Lord is gracious and compassionate; slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. – Psalms 145:8-9
Spring seems to be here, a time for new beginnings. I stole a beautiful orange poppy from nearby vacant property and gave it to a neighbor as a thank you. She had brought me a kitten that she found abandoned and starving. She and her husband couldn’t keep it because of their dog.
Of course, I said, yes, although I already have two cats, one about 15 years old named Leo and one a year old named Bernie. They were a challenge because Leo wants to be left alone except to watch TV with me; Bernie pesters Leo and me wanting to play, play and play. Allie, what I named the kitten, has brought us peace because Bernie now has a playmate. Also, I see Allie looking up at Leo as if respectfully admiring his elder. Leo and Bernie are getting along better.
Is there a clue here about perhaps how other conflicts might be resolved? This week I listened to an interview of Rev. Wil Cantrell, the author of Unafraid and Unashamed. His book addresses the conflict now within the United Methodist Church regarding homosexuality – whether it’s a sin or nature or who cares. I noted three points he made:
Holiness is about relationships, not politics and beliefs.
You can be on the right side of an issue, but not be on the side of love.
God does his greatest work in the graveyard. Umm!
With conflicts within churches about which we are afraid to have difficult conversations and with declining membership, it may be time to bring in the new kitten and to work on relationships to bring new life to the church, as it has for my household. We should not leave politics for the Democrats and Republicans to resolve, like about global warming, civil rights, immigration, healthcare and poverty. What if within holy respectful conversations we talked about these matters and were able through those relationships to find solutions? Maybe we could discover that God indeed does his greatest work in the graveyard.
By the way, did you get our spring newsletter in the mail yet? If not, it probably means that you are not on our mailing list. Let me know what it is so that we can add you. But click here to take a look at it. As you can see, we are doing a great deal for understanding and justice in Wyoming. It’s an exciting time with our becoming interfaith.
Sadly, we are behind in our revenues to meet our 2017 budget. If you appreciate what we are doing, we much appreciate your contributions at our website or checks in the mail to PO Box 1473, Laramie, WY 82073. Fear not. Be bold. Do justice.
The Wyoming Association of Churches appreciates your many financial gifts for our justice work in Wyoming. Click Here. Or you may mail checks to PO Box 1473, Laramie, WY 82073.