We are not new
We are not new; we started in 1976 as the Wyoming Association of Churches. The work of the association was led by 3 teams: Spiritual Life, Peace & Justice and Sacred Ground. All the positions taken by the association were based on resolutions adopted by consensus by the membership at the annual meeting. At its annual meeting in 2017, the Association voted unanimously to become interfaith as opposed to being only ecumenical in order to become more inclusive with other faiths. Ecumenical means within this context, "representing the whole of a body of churches." Interfaith means "involving those of different religious faiths." Therefore, we moved from just being Christians toward being Christians, Jews, Muslims, Native American faiths, Unitarians, Buddhists, Mormons ... , anyone of faith who seeks justice, loves mercy, and is humbled by our Creator.
Highlights of what we have done in Wyoming:
Brought the Women & Infant Care (WIC) Program to Wyoming
Established "life without parole" as an alternative to the death penalty
Helped start chaplaincy programs in Wyoming's prisons
Educated clergy on how to support victims of domestic violence
Helped fund a nursery at the women's prison
Helped to eliminate the sales tax on food in Wyoming
Opposed expansion of gambling in Wyoming
Sponsored Red Desert tours of the Desert with the intent of raising awareness of the uniqueness and fragility of the Red Desert
Promoted Martin Luther King Day being honored in Wyoming
Supported Medicaid expansion for low-income adults in Wyoming
Promoted respectful conversations about controversial topics
Proposes intentional listening and learning alongside Native Americans, exploring how we can stand in solidarity with our Native American neighbors
Brought about anti-trafficking legislation in Wyoming with International Justice Mission
Promoted immigration reform and welcoming refugees
Supports ending discrimination against the LGBTQ community, and any discrimination based on sexual orientation
Supported repeal of Wyoming's death penalty
Reversed a prohibition on Second Generation Science Standards for our schools
Created cultural competency mission opportunities on the Wind River Reservation
Supported Pope Francis's statement on global warming's impact on the poor
Launched the Wind River Native Advocacy Center and the Riverton Peace Mission
Supports the Return to Foretops Father education and native memory project
Provided input and support to the spiritual and environmental conservation of the Red Desert
Established the Voices of Faith in Leadership program to empower faith leaders in Wyoming to build communities that advocate for the good of all people in Wyoming