Executive director
The Rev. Annemarie Delgado
I am a citizen of the world. I am one of God's children. I am a Daughter of the King.
The Rev. Annemarie Delgado became WIN’s Executive Director on August 1, 2021. Annemarie is a priest in the Episcopal Church in Wyoming and a graduate of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale where she earned a Master of Divinity degree with an Anglican Studies diploma.
In 2004 Annemarie became a member of The Order of the Daughters of the King®, an order for women in the church who follow a Rule of Life that includes daily prayer and service. Annemarie has made numerous contributions to The Order over the years and currently serves as their Finance Chair.
Annemarie moved numerous times internationally as a child, eventually landing in Gillette. During her time serving in the US Army, she has been surrounded by people of different cultures and different faiths. Consequently, Annemarie has a world view that makes her an effective leader. She brings a valuable set of organizational and management skills combined with a heart for service to WIN.
The two great commandments of loving God and our neighbors serve as the foundation of Annemarie’s faith. She believes that as we live out these commandments, we continue to grow closer to each other and to the Holy – the One who created us each as unique individuals and yet to be in blessed community with each other.
Annemarie resides in Beulah and serves with the Church of the Good Shepherd in Sundance.

KATRINA BRADLEY is a member of the Baha’i Faith and currently facilitates the Spiritual Life Team, as well as serving as Chair for the Wyoming Interfaith Network. She holds a master’s degree in community counseling and worked as a licensed Professional Counselor for fifteen years before turning her energies to homeschooling. Katrina served the Baha’i Community in various roles in Colorado before moving to Wyoming several years ago. She is passionate about family, faith, education, and animals.

THE REV. JANITA KRAYNIAK, originally from Georgia, received an undergraduate degree in Sacred Music from Mercer University, in Macon, GA, before leaving on a jet plane to head to Europe as a military spouse. After living in Germany for nearly 4 years, a return to South Carolina, followed by Texas, Virginia (Washington DC), Kansas, and Colorado where she finally answered the call into full time ministry while serving as the Director of Children's Ministries at Colorado Springs' First United Methodist Church. After completing her Master of Divinity at Iliff School of Theology, she served as pastor for Eads, Haswell and Cheyenne Wells United Methodist Churches. She recently moved to Powell, Wyoming where she serves the United Methodist Congregations in Powell and Lovell. Janita and her husband Andrew have five children ranging from ages 14-21 (three are semi-independent and living in Colorado and two are still at home). They also have three dogs and two cats which round out the craziness of life on any given day in their home located in Powell.
The tug to dig deeper into racial justice was made apparent at an early age while living in Georgia and seeing firsthand how things were not equal or fair simply because you were a person of color. This tug became more insistent through the Mountain Sky Conference of the UMC's recent Pilgrimage to the Land of Love. Learning about privilege and doing inner work revealed where growth needed to occur. Through this inner growth the path has been illuminated in ways that no one could have ever imagined.
Janita is looking forward to serving alongside anyone willing to grow and challenge what you thought you knew about yourself and each other, as together we delve into not only racial justice, but also into all injustices so that instead of leading to marginalization, hate, fear, and lack of love for one another, may find a pathway to a deeper understanding of who we are and who our neighbors are, a stronger love for one another and ultimately may we live into an abiding peace which is available to everyone.
SECRETARY - the rev. elizabeth mount

THE REV. ELIZABETH MOUNT comes to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne following a ministry at the First UU Church of Indiana, PA, in the Appalachian Mountains outside of Pittsburgh. Rev. Elizabeth was born in Denver, Colorado, did their ministerial internship at First Universalist Church of Denver, and considers their return to the Rocky Mountain front range a dearly beloved homecoming. They enjoy hiking and foraging for mushrooms and berries in the mountains and look forward to growing herbs and veggies in their new yard. Their free time often includes snuggling with their very friendly cat, Miel, and reading or listening to podcasts while cooking, fermenting sauerkraut, and baking bread.
treasurer - MAIA ROSE

MAIA ROSE was raised in the Roman Catholic Faith, but has explored other faiths, especially Eastern meditation, as an adult. When she and her husband moved to Wyoming, she felt strongly moved to find a spiritual community and did so when she attended her first Religious Society of Friends (Quaker) worship in Lander during the middle 1990’s. After becoming a member of Wyoming Friends Meeting (WFM), she held several positions including one as WFM Representative to the Wyoming Association of Churches (title prior to Wyoming Interfaith Network). As Quakers, we practice our faith in daily life and have found the Wyoming Interfaith Network (WIN) a supportive community in which to do this, especially, in the peace and social justice area.

DR. MOHAMED SALIH is a retired Dean of Business, Agriculture and Technology at Laramie County Community College (LCCC) where his innovative ideas and grant acquisition skills were instrumental in the development and implementation of many successful computer and business programs. In 2003, Dr. Salih was recognized with the Wyoming Administrator of the Year award. Prior to his 22 ½ years with LCCC, Dr. Salih taught and served as department chair at Oglala Lakota College. During this time, he initiated and guided several business, agricultural, and technical programs at the college.
Dr. Salih also taught a History and Philosophy of Islam college course for many years and makes himself available as a resource for Islamic questions and issues. Dr. Salih served on many different non-profit boards in Cheyenne including Cheyenne Interfaith Council. Dr. Salih believes in the interfaith work that at its core leads to understanding and tolerance and cooperation among the different faith groups. He presently serves on the Board of Directors for Wyoming Interfaith Network.
Dr. Salih is a lifelong learner and educator holding a PhD from Texas Tech, an MS from Montana State University, an MBA from the University of South Dakota in addition to a bachelor’s degree from Utah State University.
members of the board

CARL CARMICHAEL has been a member of WIN since 2010, and has served as the Peace and Justice Team Chair for six years, as chair of the Board for two terms, and was elected to the position of Chair for a third term starting in 2020. Carl is a United Methodist, a past Chair of Family Promise Cheyenne, and currently a member of the United Methodist Wyoming Roundtable, a policy, and procedures governing board. Carl is a member of the national Interfaith Alliance and the Colorado Interfaith Alliance. He lives in Sheridan with his wife Eloise Saltzgaver, retired United Methodist clergy. They love Sheridan and share living space with their dog Jacob and Trouble the cat. Carl is blessed and humbled by the trust placed in him by the WIN Board of Directors.
Buddhist representative

DR. RON FROST is a professor emeritus from the University of Wyoming. Ron had a fabulous career as a professor of geology for 38 years focusing on his field of expertise in igneous and metamorphic petrology. He feels blessed to have walked all the mountain ranges of Wyoming, studying the rocks that resided there, and been paid to do so! During the years spent with colleagues at the university they established that the crystalline rocks exposed in Wyoming’s mountains are some of the oldest rocks in the world.
Ron has been a practicing Buddhist for more than 35 years. In the 1990s, he took the three-month Vajradhatu seminary where he learned the details of Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism. In the last decade, he participated in the ultimate training in Tibetan Buddhism by participating in a three-year retreat at Gampo Abbey, a Buddhist monastery on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. He took temporary ordination as a monk for the duration of the retreat. Since leaving retreat, he has been studying the practices of various religions. As a result of these studies, he has come to realize that Christian contemplative prayer is essentially the same as Buddhist meditation. After realizing this, he has been participating in contemplative practices with the La Foret Conference & Retreat Center of the United Church of Christ.

THE REV. BOB GARRARD was born and raised a Presbyterian in the Pittsburgh, PA area in 1947. Yes, he still cheers on the Steelers, Pirates and Penguins! Bob earned his M. Div. at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and was ordained by Pittsburgh Presbytery.
Over the past 53 years he served in twelve churches in five states. In 2014, after serving for 13 ½ years at the First Presbyterian Church of Cheyenne, Bob “officially” retired from ministry; however, God has not yet recognized that retirement. Bob continues to assist at Highlands UP Church where the Rev. Roger McDaniel served so masterfully until the end of this September.
Ecumenical ministry has been a key part of Bob’s duties in most of the churches where he served, including being a member of the Cheyenne Interfaith Council since 2001. Bob considers it an honor to represent the Wyoming Presbytery on the WIN Board.
Bob’s partner in ministry and life is his wife, Holly. They have been married for 55 years.
the rev. doug goodwin
church of disciples of christ

THE REV. DOUG GOODWIN served First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Sheridan for 34 years. He has since retired and now volunteers.
JEWISH representative

RABBI MOSHE RAPHAEL HALFON has served as a pulpit rabbi, cantor, Hillel director, and chaplain, as well as a musician and special education teacher. He is the spiritual leader of Mt. Sinai Congregation in Cheyenne, WY, having retired in 2021 from serving for fifteen years as Jewish Chaplain at the California Institution for Women in Corona, California.
“Reb Moshe” is an accomplished guitarist and singer who performs Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Middle Eastern, blues, jazz and folk music. His album of Jewish healing chants Let There Be Light is used by communities and healers worldwide. Some of his past pulpits include Temple Israel of Long Beach, CA (Reform), Temple Ami-Shalom of West Covina, CA (Conservative), and Agudas Achim of Attleboro, MA (Reconstructionist), and in each position he enhanced membership, education, and the synagogue’s community profile. He has officiated at hundreds of B’nai mitzvah, weddings, conversions, and funerals, including mixed and same-sex weddings. He has taught Jewish history, Kabbalah, meditation, percussion and dance internationally, and served as adjunct professor of religion at Cypress College from 2001-2005. He founded and directs Am Or Olam (People of the Eternal Light), a non-profit spiritual organization for the arts, counseling, and adult education.
Rabbi Halfon was ordained and received a Doctor of Divinity (Honoris Causa) at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia, a Masters in Educational Psychology at Temple University, and one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at the Academy for Jewish Religion in Los Angeles. Rabbi Moshe is fluent in Hebrew, Yiddish, Spanish, and Portuguese, and lived in Israel for two years. He was raised in the Reform movement, yet studied in Orthodox and Hasidic circles; he is a Reiki Master healer who regularly practices yoga, meditation, and Tai Ch’i; and his hobbies include swimming, cycling, snorkeling/scuba, hiking, and organic gardening.
Rabbi Moshe says, “People often tell me that I have been a midwife for their soul. I integrate tradition with contemporary life issues in order to heal the imagined rifts between Soul, Mind, Heart, and Body; between tradition and creativity; justice and mercy; male and female; Divine and human; intellect and intuition. This is part of my task in this life.”
the rev. warren murphy
episcopal church in wyoming REPRESENTATIVE

THE REV. WARREN MURPHY has been associated with WIN and all its previous manifestations since 1977. He has represented the Episcopal Church in Wyoming for most of these years and served as Director of the Wyoming Association of Churches from 2004 through 2009.
As Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer of the Episcopal Diocese he has been active nationally with the Episcopal Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers (EDEIO) that are active in bringing together the Episcopal Church in their ecumenical relationships with the Roman Catholic, United Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran and Presbyterian Churches. This group co-sponsors the National Workshop on Christian Unity that meets annually throughout the United States.
Warren is a passionate supporter of social and environmental justice issues and has worked on behalf of these issues for over 44 years in Wyoming. He is also the author of two books about his experiences in the state. On Sacred Ground: A Religious and Spiritual History of Wyoming received the best historical nonfiction award by the Wyoming State Historical Society in 2011. His most recent work, Unique and Different: A Memoir of a Wyoming Journey, was published in 2020 and tells the story of his adventures with numerous references to ecumenical and interfaith work in the state. He resides in Cody with his wife Kate where he continues to actively serve the spiritual needs of the Park County community.

THE REV. DR. SALLY PALMER is a retired pastor from St. Paul's United Church of Christ in Laramie and has taught religious studies as an adjunct professor at the University of Wyoming since 1994. Sal, as she likes to be called, has a deep love of creation and focuses on integrating religion with science.
Having been a part of WIN's On Sacred Ground Team for many years, Sal currently serves as the team's facilitator.
vicar colleen teeuwe
evangelical lutheran church in america BOARD MEMBER

VICAR COLLEEN TEEUWE is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Casper, WY where she has served for three years. Grace is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America where all are welcome.
Ecumenical ministry and justice are a passion along with loving our neighbor, caring for creation, reaching out to those in need, forgiving even as we are forgiven, and doing so embrace a future of hope and joy.
Colleen has lived in Wyoming for five years with her husband Mark, Holly her Shiba Inu, and two adorable felines – Sally and Winston. She loves cooking, kids, traveling, volunteering and speaking up for those who are not seen and whose voices are not heard.
members of the win team
media manager

KIM HEASTER was a librarian for nine years and worked in schools in Wyoming and Idaho for several years before that, all while raising her three daughters as a single mom. She believes that everyone should be able to access the books they want, and if someone has a problem with a book on a library shelf then they shouldn’t read it. She also believes that members of marginalized communities should be honored and celebrated, not treated poorly.
She spent most of her life living in Wyoming, and graduated from the University of Wyoming with her BA in English Secondary Education. She also completed the Library Media Specialist Graduate Program through Montana State University.
Kim’s three girls keep her busy, with two in college and the third out in the workforce after graduating college. She recently moved to California to be close to two of her daughters, and tries to get to Montana as often as possible to visit the third.