Welcome to the conversation about, to and for the Holy. We are people of religious conviction committed to living faithfully and justly in the world: Faithful to the wisdom of our various faith community traditions, justly in the messiness of daily living. In a time when our culture seeks to hunker down on opposite sides, we invite people into meaningful conversations in the bonds of peace.
As the Wyoming Interfaith Network (formerly the Wyoming Association of Churches), our interfaith relationships help us live out our deep love for the Holy.
Our interfaith relationships are grounded in a strong desire to do what is right and good and just.
Our interfaith relationships create a partnership where we learn more about each other’s faith community traditions but also share in a dialogue that facilitates personal spiritual growth.
Our interfaith relationships allow for a venue of meaningful conversation about faith and life and how to live together as people of the Holy in peace.
We encourage you to participate in the activities of the Wyoming Interfaith Network. We also invite you to encourage your worshipping community to participate in the activities of the Wyoming Interfaith Network. We look forward to sharing friendship with you and your spiritual community.