Greetings WIN community,
“. . . to go forward, there is always something that has to be let go of, moved beyond, given up or ‘forgiven’ to enter the larger picture of the ‘gods.'” – Richard Rohr, Falling Upward
After a diligent search and discernment, the Wyoming Interfaith Network (WIN) board of directors this past week chose the next executive director to lead Wyoming’s faith communities to work together for justice. She begins January 2nd.
Her name is Susan Marcus and prefers to be called Susie. She has a PhD and is knowledgeable about health care and health disparities. Her experience with nonprofit organizations and her skills will nurture WIN. She brings new energy and excitement.
In the coming months, I hope you will find the opportunity to connect with her. Let her know how you want to support her leadership for WIN to continue to grow into a strong voice with the faith communities to champion equality and social and environmental justice with integrity.
In February, I will be an advocate for WIN during the 2018 Wyoming State Legislature’s Budget Session and I will mentor Susie in the process. WIN’s focus will be support of children and mental health programs. Please support us through your prayers, contributions and participation.
Richard Rohr, a Franciscan priest whom I quoted above, writes in Falling Upward about our spiritual journey during the latter part of our lives sharing lessons learned from Homer’s The Odyssey. While I transition out of my role as the executive director, I move into a new phase of my life. My spiritual director, a retired pastor, advised me not take on any new projects for two years and then only out of passion, not obligation. I plan to stick to the passion part. My priorities will be writing, relationships and still striving to end racism that I believe to be America’s most debilitating disease. Rohr writes metaphorically, “The first half of life is discovering the script and the second half is actually writing it and owning it.” I suppose in some ways I am doing that literally.
Fear not. Be bold. Build bridges. Do justice.

Chesie Lee
Please support our working together for justice at