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WIN Requests Your Help to Help Others

Blessings to You, WIN Community:

WIN's mantra is:

Fear not. Be bold. Build bridges. Do justice.

WIN does this work collectively, through three teams described on the WIN website: On Sacred Ground, Spiritual Life, and Peace and Justice.

Today, I'd like to ask for your help in two ways:

  1. To join and help out on the Peace and Justice Team, and

  2. To donate to WIN to support our important work.

First, regarding the Peace and Justice Team, Carl Carmichael, our past Board Chair, is now the Chair of the Peace and Justice Team, and is re-energizing this team. The Peace and Justice Team's third resolution states:

 "Promote immigration reform that shows compassion, does not break up families and allows an accessible path to citizenship for those already in the United States."

-WIN Resolutions, Peace and Justice Team

The Peace and Justice Team will address a myriad of issues, including food scarcity among Wyoming's children. Today, I am specifically requesting your help on an immigration justice work group under the Peace and Justice team to address immigration injustices and related human suffering of children and their parents, highlighted, but certainly not limited to, today's breaking news article about children lost in the immigration confusion.

We will begin an organized, strategic, collective impact work group under the Peace and Justice Team to harness our WIN power to research immigration justice issues in Wyoming, connect with others in Wyoming who are doing immigration justice work, and mobilize to build bridges and do justice. We may also connect with the Wyoming Human Trafficking Task Force to explore how to prevent human trafficking of immigrant children, and with other agencies, such as Wyoming Department of Family Services, to explore how to become a sponsor foster family.

I started some research today to learn more about the interfaith response to immigration justice, and found the following:

I've shared with you before that I've been a social justice advocate with training in organized social change throughout my career. I'm eager to put practical, effective community mobilization experience to work with WIN. Perhaps more than in any other capacity in my career, I am hopeful about the change we can accomplish together in WIN. As people of faith, you are trusted in your communities, and your communities look to you for leadership and hope. Indeed, as stated in the description of WIN's Spiritual Life Team, led by Reverend Doug Goodwin:

"We bring our rich spiritual heritage into a wider conversation and learn from other spiritual traditions, and, when together, we worship the Holy and the sacredness of life in mutual respect which encourages human concern for others."

Today, I fear not, and I feel bold and brave, because of you and our collective courage and human concern for others. We are a strong and trusted group, held together by rich, diverse, spiritual traditions, a connection with the Holy, and a common bond that values the sacredness of life.

Please call or text me at 307-274-6292, or email me at if you would like to join the Peace and Justice Team.

Secondly, WIN needs your help in order to do this important work. WIN survives on donations. We are at a critical place right now, and need donations in order to continue to provide leadership and organization to facilitate programs and legislative representation of our network. To make a donation to support our work, please visit us at our WIN website, which is currently being updated and will soon have a fresh, new look, reflective of our mission.

With Gratitude and Peace ... and Resolve to Make a Difference,

Susie Markus

Susie Markus, Ph.D.

Executive Director

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The Wyoming Interfaith Network shares the vision of the
Interfaith Alliance by bringing together the diverse voices of our community to build a resilient, inclusive democracy which respects the inherent dignity of all people, affords each person the freedoms of belief and religious practice, and guarantees that all have the opportunity to thrive.

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