The benefit of being a member of WIN is the opportunity to connect with individuals and faith communities to work for the good of individuals, families, and communities. We are stronger together, and our common humanity and the richness of our varied faith traditions are deeper than our divisions.
In-Person Annual Event: We host an Annual WIN Conference in the fall each year, where we gather in person as a network to connect across faiths to pray, learn, plan, work, and celebrate our unity. Stay connected to our upcoming events section for information on our annual event.
Connecting through Technology: We join together across the vast geographic distances in rural Wyoming through technology with our Sunday messages, WIN website, our Facebook page, and monthly team conference calls.
To sign up to receive Sunday messages, please click here.
To learn about and sign up to work with us on one of our teams, click here.
Special Events: WIN attends and hosts events organized around special issues, such as immigration prayer vigils, celebrations of accomplishments amongst our members, and other educational and community events. Stay connected to information about special events by clicking on our upcoming events section.
If you have a special interfaith event you’d like to share with us, please contact us at